
目前显示的是 九月, 2020的博文

When Traveling Online Shopping, You Must not Touch Anything with These Signs!

  On October 17, 2018, Canada announced marijuana as a hobby and announced that recreational marijuana is officially legal in Canada. Here   Marijuana Flower Packaging Supplier   must seriously emphasize to friends that marijuana is a drug in China! It is illegal to smoke, grow marijuana, and bring in and out of cannabis! Cannabis itself is a common "weed". It has a narcotic effect and is very useful in medicine. But once you take it, you will become addicted. Therefore, hemp packaging is very important. Use professional  Cannabis Packaging . The production, sale, and use of cannabis have become an unhealthy culture and a profit-seeking industry. Cannabis Packaging The toxic side effects and abuse symptoms of cannabis include: in terms of mental activities, cannabis can make users feel happy, change their mood and subjective feelings about things, impair their ability to think and solve problems, and large doses can cause hallucinations, delusions, and mental disorders. On th

The Controversial Plant Cannabis

  On June 3, 2011, in Brazil's capital Brasilia, local residents staged a march demanding that the government legalize cannabis use. Cannabis, as a recreational drug that people have smelled, has been listed in the ban nearly 100 years ago. However, the ban did not make it disappear, but made it new. Whether cannabis use should be legalized has been controversial. In the United States, 16 states have allowed cannabis to be used in medicine, and some states are considering legalizing cannabis for recreation. In the Netherlands, the government has also issued a decree prohibiting foreign tourists from buying cannabis from some "cafes", while strictly restricting the country's domestic cannabis consumption. This move has been strongly protested by many coffee shop owners. According to some scholars and government officials, the way to minimize the harm of cannabis is not to ban it, but to let it go to some extent. Cannabis is native to mainland China and is one of the ea

Medical Value of Cannabis

  Hemp is a very interesting plant, because its uses are too extensive. However, many people do not consciously associate with drug use when they mention marijuana. In fact, marijuana has great medical value. Today   Cannabis Flower packaging Supplier   gives you a deeper look at the science behind cannabis!   Cannabis was first recorded 3,700 million years ago. They are distributed in Kazakhstan to the Eastern Himalayas. Cannabis has evolved to produce the chemical THC to protect itself from being eaten by herbivores. Because THC tastes very bad and can affect physical health and mental state, animals do not eat marijuana.   Humans started using this plant 8000 years ago. The first was to eat cannabis seeds (very nutritious). Later, people discovered that cannabis stems can be used to make high-quality fiber. It is not only tough, but also has good antiseptic properties. For thousands of years, hemp products have ranged from clothes-ropes-paper-bowstrings. Many cannabis products are s

What Are the Key Factors in Packaging Cannabis?

  Cannabis growers are so proud of their products that many people prefer to package flowers in beautiful, practical and professional finished packages. As a true  Cannabis Concentrate Packaging Manufacturer , we have summarized the following key elements for farmers, distributors and retailers who want to turn elaborate flowers into sophisticated consumer products in today's highly competitive industry: 1. Comply with regulatory requirements Legalization introduced new security considerations and packaging rules. Complying with state and local regulations is an important design consideration and, more generally, a limitation in branding cannabis flowers. There are many compliance issues to consider in packaging. Can consumers see flowers through packaging? Can I open the smell inside the store and smell it? It is important to determine local regulatory requirements. In most legitimate cannabis markets, flowers must be pre-packaged in sealed, child-safe containers to prevent consum

Medical Marijuana Is Good For Diseases

  Most research has focused on the harmfulness of cannabis, a plant with little research on its medicinal value. Mainstream doctors dare not get close to marijuana, even if they hear its effectiveness, because there is no research, no legally approved practice guidelines, and they will worry about their licenses and professionalism. This is the importance of randomized controlled trials. The following   Cannabis Concentrate Packaging Manufacturer   refers to relevant information for introduction, and the following are related research findings. Cannabis Concentrate Packaging 1. AIDS In a 10-person research group of HIV-positive cannabis users, scientists found that patients who took medical marijuana ate better, slept better, and had better moods. Another small study of 50 people found that patients who took medical marijuana saw less neuropathic pain. Although there are many negative effects of cannabis,  Medical Marijuana Packaging  can play a great role if it is properly stored and

The Most Effective Way To Prevent Children From Taking Medicines By Mistake

  How to prevent children from taking medicine by mistake? Legislation can be used to improve drug packaging, and parental custody responsibilities are also important. After investigation, it is the most fundamental and effective way to prevent children from accidentally taking medicines by formulating laws or regulations on child-resistant packaging. Compared with some developed countries, China's child safety packaging standardization is in its infancy. In addition, the most effective way to prevent children from taking medicines by mistake is to pack the medicines in children's safety. The following   PET Dropper Bottles Supplier   will introduce them in detail. First of all, parents lack safety awareness. They should store medicines centrally and choose a simple home medicine box with a lock. When children take medicine, do not coax their children into candy, but tell them the correct name and use of the medicine. Strong, easy to imitate the actions of adults, should avoid

How To Prevent Children From Taking Medication By Mistake?

  The safety issues of children at home should not be underestimated. Not only to prevent injuries such as burns, falls, electric shock, etc., you should also pay special attention to prevent children from taking medicine by mistake. Ingesting medicines can harm children as much as other accidents. Drugs need to be metabolized by the liver. Children's physical development is incomplete. If they are mistakenly taken, they will cause more serious injuries than adults. So how do you prevent your child from taking medication by mistake?   Barrier Bags Factory   will sort out three points for attention below, and parents are invited to learn! 1. Store properly Improper storage is closely related to children taking medications by mistake, which leads to an increased chance of children taking medications by mistake. Therefore, as a parent, you must properly collect the medicine at home. The medicines are stored and locked in a special medicine box, and the remaining medicines should be co

Following The Legalization Of Cannabis, Cannabis Foods Will Also Be Legalized?

  In October last year, marijuana was officially legalized in Canada, becoming one of the few countries in the world to promote recreational marijuana and fully legalize it. (North Korea, Bangladesh, Uruguay, Netherlands, Portugal cannabis is legal, only 2 states in the US support). Controversy over the legalization of marijuana has been constant, with parents especially worried. Overly convenient access, as well as the first day of legalization of Canadian marijuana shop customers, and a dedicated physical store selling marijuana. And according to a CBC News survey, there are more than 10 Canadian online stores selling cannabis foods, which can be delivered through the Canadian Post Office within 48 hours. However, the Canadian federal government recently announced a draft regulation on edible cannabis products, and plans to add it to the list of legal cannabis products by next fall. This means that around October 2019, cannabis food will be officially legalized. Before legalization,

How Important Is Child-resistant Bottle Safe Packaging?

  Child-safe packaging refers to packaging that protects children's medicines that are used to store a certain amount of toxic and hazardous substances in the family and cause harm to children. Its structure can ensure that it is difficult for most children to open or to take out the contents in a reasonable time, which plays a protective role. In addition, as people's awareness of health increases, the requirements for the function of medicinal plastic bottles are becoming more and more demanding. Therefore, pharmaceutical packaging needs to inject more new elements, so that medical plastic bottles can better meet people's needs. What aspects of the future development of medicinal plastic bottles are necessary? What is the importance of preventing children from opening the safe packaging of bottles?  Pre-Roll Barrier Bags  suppliers will introduce to you next. In the future, medicinal plastic bottles should be provided with a child-resistant function, that is, a child-resi